The Rotary Club of Hamilton Noon Meeting is excited to announce that their upcoming guest speakers, Victoria Long-Wincza and Ruth Mazuka of Arts4All, will be joining virtually through Zoom. Everyone is welcome to join in on the meeting by sending a request to the Rotary Club to get a link. The meeting will be held virtually due to the weather conditions and safety concerns for attendees.

Arts4All is an amazing program that provides over 30,000 hours of visual arts, dance, drama, music, and media arts programming to children in more than 20 neighborhoods across the greater Hamilton region. This program ignites creativity and critical thinking through Education, Connection, and Inspiration, shaping future citizens and leaders. It is an incredible opportunity to learn more about the transformative power of the arts and how they can make a positive impact on children’s lives.
Virtual meetings have become the go-to method for many organizations, including our Rotary Club, to continue to connect with members and community partners, conduct business, and host events. Technology has become an essential tool for organizations to stay connected, share information, and continue their missions.
The Rotary Club of Hamilton Noon Meeting is a community-based organization that is dedicated to supporting local and global initiatives that make a positive impact on society. The club is made up of business professionals and community leaders who work together to promote goodwill and peace, and to provide humanitarian services to those in need. Hosting virtual meetings is just one way the Rotary Club is adapting to the current climate and continuing its mission to support the community.
In conclusion, the virtual meeting for the Rotary Club of Hamilton Noon Meeting with Victoria Long-Wincza and Ruth Mazuka of Arts4All is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to learn more about the transformative power of the arts. The virtual meeting allows attendees to join in from the comfort of their own homes and avoid any potential weather-related issues.