A World of Choices – Career Expiration Day 2023
On April 19th over 170 students in grade 6, 7 & 8 from Cathy Wever School arrived at McMaster Innovation Park for the World of Choices – A Career Exploration Day. World of Choices – Career Exploration Day brings students together with career mentors working in desired fields, industries and professions. Each student participates in interactive sessions that will open up a world of choices and help them learn first-hand what it takes to be successful.
This experience clarifies career and educational pathways and students become actively engaged in designing their own education and career paths.
Through the support of partners: Hamilton Community Foundation-ABACUS, Junior Achievement, and the Rotary Club of Hamilton, the event was a huge success. Thanks to our Bus sponsors – Hamilton Hyundai and VacuMan, the students had the opportunity to learn and grow at McMaster Innovation Park.
Special thanks you to all of the Career Mentors who shared their vocation with the young people.
Heather Mitchell (Chef St Lenard’s) , Ty Shattuck(CEO – McMaster Innovation Park, Frances Grabowski (VP Construction MIP) Melissa Denomme (Manager of Hospitality &Events MIP) , Amanda Heeren (Athlete), Steve Ruddick and Manesa Dhanabalan (CHCH TV), Kaitlin Perkons (Social Worker Good Sheppard), Matt Walker (Broadcaster, unconfirmed firefighter, Elisha Ward (Public Health Nurse), Maria Felix Miller(Ward 3 Trustee), Josh Damiani (Hamilton Hyundai Mechanic),John Lewis (Carpenter/Teacher), and two Hamilton Firefighters.
Rotary Career Mentors included: Paul Gordon (Acting/dance), Jennifer Macko (Lawyer), Cathi MacDonnell (Musician), Leo Johnson (Non-for-profit), Michael Yamamoto (Financial Services)
A special acknowledgement to Alex Moroz and Adam Oldfield who championed this project and put in many hours to put together an outstanding event for the students.
In addition to the Career Mentors, the students heard from two key note speakers Hamilton Police Chief Frank Bergen and later in the day from Rotarian and Motivational Speaker/Author Chris Delaney. Junior Achievement provided sessions on skills trades, resumes and transferable skills.
The World of Choices – Career Exploration Day was a huge success. The students, teachers and even the Career Mentors are still talking about the event. One student said “This was an eye opener for me, both for education and my future career”