To all the Rotarians of Hamilton, their families and friends of our club:
Thank you all for your continued support of one of the finest Rotary Clubs in the World. Together we have accomplished a lot as a club this past year; filled tummies and put smiles on the faces of over 600 children this holiday season, operated the Rotary Summer Literacy Program this past summer, offer free after school programming (virtually) through our COREkids Program and help fight hunger through supporting Food4Kids, Hamilton Food Share and filling a community fridge. We picked up rakes and shovels and built an outdoor classroom at Cathy Wever School. We continued to fill the Little Library box with books, food and school supplies. On an international level, we continued to support the fight against Polio, raised $1000 USD to purchase portable oxygen concentrators for India during the COVID-19 outbreak and our Global Grant projects Liberian Learning Centre and Eye Sight Project in India continue. So much was accomplished this pandemic year.

Our members worked hard and contributed much no doubt! We also enjoyed each others company at our annual Holiday Shindig, our first in-person Rotary @ Noon Meeting in November, the Breakfast at Rotary Summer Literacy Program and several on-line virtual socials throughout the year. Yes, we have had fun this past year too!
It is good to be a Rotarian and have friends from all walks of life. It is good to have shared interests in giving back to the community and living by the statement, “service above self”. As we draw this year to a close, let us recall our past successes, put them into our pockets as confidence coins and face the new challenges of the year knowing we are rich in confidence as a successful club. In the future, when we meet the challenges and are not sure of our direction, lets reach into our pockets reflect on the confidence coins and know that we are prepared to move forward to be successful again.
As we continue with the pandemic, my hope is that this holiday season, you are able to rest, recharge and spend time with family. I hope that each of you stay safe and well. May you all have a blessed, peaceful and enriching holiday season and new year! Seasons Greetings!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
President Alex