ROTARY MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION WELCOME TO THE ROTARY CLUB OF HAMILTON MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM. PLEASE FILL IN ALL FIELDS AND SUBMIT. WE WILL REVIEW AND CONFIRM A DATE AND TIME TO DISCUSS HAVING YOU JOIN OUR ROTARY CLUB WITH IN A WEEK. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FULL NAME * Date applying Address * Address Address Address City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Main Phone * Email * Date of Birth Spouse / Partner BUSINESS INFORMATION COMPANY NAME Position / Title Address Address Address Address City City State/Province State/Province Zip/Postal Zip/Postal Phone Email About You Have you been a member of Rotary before? * YesNo If yes, please provide your club, dates and position you held: Type of membership: Please select one * Active Membership – RotarianMulti-Member (Corporate member)Friend of Rotary Reason for wanting to join Rotary * Please list community activities in which you have been involved: Sponsoring Rotarian (if applicable) ROTARY AND ROTARY CLUB OF HAMILTON INFORMATION FOR PROPOSED MEMBERS Rotary Club of Hamilton is an organization of business, professional, and community leaders who come together through commitment and fellowship to create opportunities and a better future for generations that follow. The club meets each Thursday at Noon and offers hybrid options for remote attendance and virtual meeting participation. Participating with the Rotary Club of Hamilton, and Rotary International structured systems, programs and activities offers Rotarian’s the opportunity to give their service above self to the community. The Club provides a medium to learn about community needs in a variety of areas and participate in fundraising and volunteering to impact the community truly and positively. * I understand Rotary is a service club and members are expected to contribute volunteer hours of service each year. I understand weekly membership meetings and the club policy intends members routinely participate in those meetings, and that committee, event, activity and attendance at other Rotary functions or meetings is or can be considered as attending a club meeting. I understand in addition to annual membership dues, Rotarians are encouraged to participate financially in club activities through charitable contributions, donations to events and event participation. I understand Rotarians should support the Annual Sunshine Fund Members Appeal with a personal donation. Friends of Rotary – The above does not pertain Friends Level Date * Signature signature keyboard Clear Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.