but rather “an invitation to endless opportunities”
Become one of Rotary’s people of action or explore the many opportunities we have for anyone — whatever your age or interest — who wants to improve lives in communities near and far. Connect with a local Rotary club to find out how you can get involved. The Rotary Club of Hamilton is the oldest and original Rotary Club in Hamilton.
Your time, energy, and a passion to improve your world are all you need to get involved with Rotary.
No Secret Handshake, No Funny Hat to Wear. the desire to make a positive difference in our local & international community. As the world’s first service club Rotary International has more than 1.2 million business, professional and community leaders who volunteer their time, talent and treasure to further Rotary’s motto Service Above Self.
You are the Missing Piece – HOW OUR MEMBERSHIP WORKS
Rotary is like a puzzle and you are the missing piece. Join us! Apply to be a member of the Rotary Club of Hamilton. We want to make sure you join a club that best fits your passion and perspective. We do hope you will consider being a Rotary Member in the Hamilton’s Original Rotary Club – The Rotary Club of Hamilton founded in 1913!
You express interest
We encourage you to visit our Rotary Club’s meetings at least twice. Check out the people, the projects and the fun we have each week on Thursday @ Noon. You can always join us at one of our service projects or fundraisers too. There is lots of information about our club on our website and social media.
The fit is right for you
Based on your preferences and interests, the Rotary Club of Hamilton can be the right fit you. After visiting our club, learning about it from the website and social media you can complete the Membership Application
The Membership Process
A Rotary club member will contact you by email or phone to discuss your interest in Rotary. While going through the Membership Process you are welcome to attending club meetings, social events, fundraiser, or even to join in on a service project as a volunteer.
Your Membership Application will be presented to the Board of Directors and Rotary Membership for consideration. You will also meet with a Past President or Director of Membership to discuss Rotary values, mission and obligations. It is a great opportunity to learn more about our Rotary Club. The process does take about one month.
Rotary Obligations
Rotarians are active leaders in our community. We hold Rotarians to a high level of ethics. We hope that every Rotarian in the Rotary Club of Hamilton will practice the Four Way Test. We expect all Rotarians to be active and engaged in supporting the projects and initiatives of our Rotary Club:
Attendance at weekly meetings should be maintained (50% attendance or better). Rotary Meetings are at Noon on Thursday
Members should be engaged in committee, fundraising and social activities throughout the year.
Actively participate on a committee and attend/support fundraising events
Support and to make a personal contribution to the Rotary Sunshine Fund Members Appeal annually. This is our charitable fund.
The more you are engaged in Rotary, the more you will get out of your Rotary experience! In addition to making a difference in the community, you will gain a great network in our business community and enjoy the fellowship and fun that comes along with being a Rotarian.
Costs: In addition to the annual Membership Fee (Approx $375), the weekly lunch costs are $25.00, plus your donation to the Sunshine Fund and support of various fundraisers. There are social and hands on services projects that you can also be involved in.
Please note that our Rotary Club does not use fundraising dollars for membership. All membership and club costs are covered by members, which means 100% of funds raised support children, youth and families of the various projects and initiatives.
You’re a member!
We will have you inducted at one of our weekly meetings. Enjoy getting involved in your new club as a Rotary member. Join a committee, participate in a service project or social event and attend the weekly meetings. Lead and contribute to your new club and most of all enjoy the fun and fellowship!
Rotary @ Noon Meetings
Rotary @ Noon Meetings take place each Thursday (except the first Thursday of each month). Our meetings usually take place at McMaster Innovation Park. We have lunch catered and a speaker or community presentation, plus time for networking and socializing!
Click to send your application through our form