Rotary @ Noon – Virtual

Event Details

  • Date:

Happy St Patrick’s Day. We will be celebrating the luck of the Irish. Rotary is going green…for this meeting. Our speaker is John O’Gorman, past President Irish Canadian Club. Join us for this Rotary @ Noon Virtual Meeting. Don’t forget to wear something green!

Great speakers and presentations, networking and FUN!  Our Rotary @ Noon Meeting -Virtual. Starting at Noon till 1pm on the Zoom Platform. Your weekly Rotary E-News will include the link.

We welcome guests & visitors to our Rotary @ Noon Meetings To receive a secure link email [email protected]

Effective March 2022 the Rotary @ Noon Meetings will be In-Person on the 2nd & 4th Thursday Meetings and on the 3rd Thursday we will be hosting a Rotary @ Noon Meeting Virtually on Zoom. Please email [email protected] to RSVP for in-person meetings or to receive the meeting link.