Rotary @ Noon – Junior Achievement

Event Details

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Great speakers and presentations, networking, and Fun! Our Speaker will be the President & CEO of Junior Achievement of Southwest Ontario Karen Gallant.

Junior Achievement is coming back to Hamilton! join our Rotary @ Noon Meeting to find out some of the exciting details!

Due to recent Public Health Regulations, we are going back to virtual meetings for the month of January! 

We welcome guests & visiting Rotarians. RSVP is required. Please email us to get a Zoom link for the meeting at [email protected]

Effective February the Rotary @ Noon Meetings will be In-Person on the 2nd & 4th Thursday Meetings and on the 3rd Thursday we will be hosting a Rotary @ Noon Meeting Virtually on Zoom. Please email [email protected] to RSVP for in-person meetings or to receive the meeting link.