Celebrate with your Rotary friends, spouse, family, neighbours-whomever you might like to entertain. It is that time of year to let your hair down and enjoy some food, drink and fellowship!
No service project, no speaker, no fine session….just festive drinks and food! Join the Rotary Club of Hamilton for our annual Holiday Meeting…not on Thursday and Not at Noon.
Radius on 151 James Street South Hamilton, Ontario 6:00pm-9:00pm
There will be cocktails, mocktails, appetizers and merriment. This will be out last gathering before the 2019! Please consider coming.
As a reminder, the fee is $25, just like a regular Rotary meeting. You are asked to pay by cash or cheque only for the food. The bar will be a cash bar. You may also pay by debit or credit at the bar if you refer.
Please RSVP to Rotarian Marie Robbins