March Madness – Service Project

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March Madness – Hands on Service Project & Fellowship Event

 March Madness! Our first Thursday of each month, we aim to have a service project or fellowship event rather than our traditional Rotary @ Noon Meeting. The pandemic has challenged us to alter the service projects and our fellowship events. Last month we had our first virtual service project – Soupfest.

In March I want to challenge each of you to reach out to a fellow Rotarian or Friend of Rotary. Make an effort to pick up the phone and check in on another Rotary friend. Send an email and follow-up with a on-line virtual chat.

The pandemic has made interaction with others a challenge, and we all know how important fellowship is to Rotary and all of our well being. Haven’t seen someone on the Rotary Zoom, miss talking with them at lunch….reach out and make contact.

Why not do a Rotary Make-up. Most Rotary Clubs are still having meetings virtually. Check their websites and see if you can visit another Rotary Club. A great way to network, learn about Rotary and yes reach out and enjoy the fellowship of Rotary!

This is the Fellowship event for March – A challenge to touch base and enjoy the fellowship of another Rotarian or maybe a few. Do a Rotary Make-up at another Rotary Club. All of the contact information is in our ClubRunner. You can share your stories and more during our Happy Dollar Announcements at our next Rotary @ Noon Meeting! Who are you going to call….A Rotary Friend!