Tuning Out but Never Forgotten: A Farewell to 900 CHML

Tuning Out but Never Forgotten: A Farewell to 900 CHML

Today, the Rotary Club of Hamilton bids a heartfelt farewell to a cherished piece of our city’s history—900 CHML. As of 1 PM on August 14, 2024, the station that first hit the airwaves in 1927 will broadcast its final message, marking the end of an era that spanned nearly a century.

The Rotary Club of Hamilton, established in 1913, has always been intertwined with the heartbeat of this city, and 900 CHML has been a powerful voice in that rhythm. It’s hard to imagine our community without the steady presence of this iconic station, which has shared Hamilton’s stories, news, and voices for generations.

For me, Adam Oldfield, President-elect of the Rotary Club, this farewell is particularly poignant. I had the privilege of hosting “Tech Talk” on 900 CHML—a show where we explored the latest in technology and innovation, always with a nod to how these advancements could better our community. Those airwaves were my bridge to Hamiltonians, a way to connect, share, and inspire.

The relationship between 900 CHML and the Rotary Club runs deep. Over the years, many Rotarians were featured on the station, sharing our mission, our projects, and our passion for service. Personalities like Bill Kelly brought our stories to life, while John Hardy’s support was instrumental in amplifying our community efforts. And, of course, the 900 CHML Christmas Tree of Hope, a beacon of generosity that supported so many of our initiatives, including our cherished Christmas celebration at Cathy Weaver School.

As we say goodbye to 900 CHML, we are not just losing a radio station—we’re parting with a partner, a friend, and a fellow community servant. The station has been there through every milestone, every challenge, and every victory in our city’s history, echoing the voices and stories that make Hamilton the vibrant community it is.

Though the station may fall silent, the legacy of 900 CHML will continue to resonate within our hearts and our actions. As Rotarians, we are committed to carrying forward the spirit of community service that 900 CHML so beautifully championed. We’ll continue to tell our stories, to serve our neighbours, and to make Hamilton a better place, just as 900 CHML did for nearly a century.

So here’s to 900 CHML—thank you for the memories, the stories, and the shared history. You’ve signed off, but your legacy will play on in the hearts of Hamiltonians for generations to come.

As the Rotary Club of Hamilton, we’ve always prided ourselves on being a part of this city’s rich tapestry, woven together with stories, service, and a shared sense of community. Today, we find ourselves saying goodbye to a cherished thread in that tapestry: 900 CHML. After nearly a century of broadcasting, the station that began in 1927 has reached its final chapter, tuning out at 1 PM on August 14, 2024.

For us, this farewell hits close to home. Just as Rotary Hamilton has been part of this city since 1913, 900 CHML has been our companion, broadcasting the pulse of Hamilton to every corner of this great city. It’s hard to imagine our Rotary meetings, our initiatives, and our moments of joy without the backdrop of a station that has shared so many of our stories.

The connection between 900 CHML and the Rotary Club of Hamilton runs deep. Rotarians have been regulars on the airwaves, discussing projects, promoting community service, and sharing our vision for a better Hamilton. From Bill Kelly’s hard-hitting interviews to John Hardy’s unwavering support, CHML was more than just a station—it was a megaphone for our community’s heart and soul.

And who could forget the 900 CHML Christmas Tree of Hope? Year after year, the station rallied our community to give, to care, and to support those in need. The funds raised through this initiative played a significant role in our own Christmas celebration at Cathy Weaver School, ensuring that no child was left without a bit of holiday magic.

But now, as we say goodbye, it’s not just a station we’re bidding farewell to. We’re closing a chapter on a shared history, a common voice that narrated the stories of Hamilton’s past, present, and future. It’s with heavy hearts that we tune out, knowing that an iconic staple of our city will no longer be there to greet us on our morning commutes, keep us informed during lunch breaks, or lull us to sleep with the sounds of home.

900 CHML may no longer be broadcasting, but its echoes will remain in our memories, our conversations, and our hearts. As Rotarians, we’ll carry forward the legacy of community spirit that CHML embodied. We’ll continue to serve, to support, and to share the stories that matter.

So, here’s to 900 CHML—thank you for the news, the tunes, the interviews, and the inspiration. You’ve signed off, but your signal will never fade from the hearts of Hamiltonians.